Fundraising For British School Of Osteopathy

Posted: August 26, 2013 in BSO British School of Osteopathy, community, Health, NHS
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In August, I will cycle 1000 miles from the south tip of England (Lands End) to the north tip if Scotland (John O’Groats) to help raise fund for the British School of Osteopathy (BSO).

Donate here:

The BSO provides  evidence-informed best practice healthcare to the community and seeks to provide our students with the  highest quality osteopathic education programmes to enable them to  develop into patient-centred practitioners equipped to deal with the  challenges of the modern healthcare arena.

Over the past three years, I have been treated by the BSO for a life-long condition on my legs which limits me from walking, running or any activities that requires me to rely all my body weight on my legs for over half an hour, including standing. this condition is so mysterious, medical sciences cannot pin it down. However, with treatment by the BSO, I have been able to stay out of the hospital and also not experience the usual 6monthly episodes that sees me crippled and only resuscitated in Accident and Emergency.

For the excellent care, I want to contribute to the amazing work this organization does and raise for funds to support it. Being a charity, the BSO relies on goodwill to continue to do its work, produce excellent Osteopaths and treat poor members of the community. But above all, keep many out of hospital.

So for the first time too, I ask you, readers to support that by visiting this page and making a donation. No donation is too small; even a penny is invaluable as it all adds up to build a piggy bank. 😉

Donate here:

Thank you for your kind support.

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